Permission to Use Resources

These software packages are free! However, I have not maintained most software mentioned here because I have yet to pursue my academic career. If you find any bugs, please report them to the current maintainer.

simsem package

This R package has been developed to facilitate analysts to simulate and analyze data within the structural equation modeling (SEM) framework. This package aims to help analysts create simulated data from their hypotheses or analytic results from obtained data. The simulated data can be used for different purposes, such as power analysis, model fit evaluation, and planned missing design. More Details

semTools package

This R package has been developed to collect useful structural equation modeling functions. Anyone who would like to share their useful functions in R could contact us to include them in . This package has many useful functions, including missing data handling, latent-variable interactions, measurement invariance, and reliability. More Details

PAWS: Power analysis and Width of Confidence Inverval for Sample Size Estimation

The Power Analysis and Width of a confidence interval for Sample size estimation (PAWS) application is to help researchers in the planning stage of their cluster randomized design studies. The program provides information about optimal sample size combinations (number of clusters and cluster size) based on several criteria: statistical power, accuracy in effect size estimation, and cost. PAWS estimates the cluster and individual-level sample size combination, resulting in the desired power with the lowest cost. Also, the program will calculate the cluster and individual-level sample size combination that provides the smallest width of confidence intervals of effect sizes with the lowest cost. More Details

Contribution to the MBESS package

MBESS is an R package that collects valuable functions, especially in effect size, confidence intervals, and sample size estimation. I rewrote the functions to find the confidence interval of reliability, including coefficients alpha and omega. I also wrote the functions for sample size estimation to get the desired accuracy in (standardized and unstandardized) treatment effects in cluster randomized design. MBESS page


Confidence Interval of Pearson's correlation. Excel

Scaled Chi-square Difference Test. Excel